As the first option we recommend to use Search engine attached to this website.
Type a Keyword to the Search field and browser will find items which match and are currently available in our webstore.
If the product You are looking for is not in proposed list, You can take a look in Catalogues exposed. Catalogues consist more than 60 000 items and hopefully amongst them You can find product You just need.
All prices are in Euros and include VAT 22 % (Tax rate for books and publications is 9 %). EU residents subject to VAT can purchase products tax-free. Such customers have to send their company`s ascribed VAT number, when forwarding order.
Delivery time for products which are available in webstore You can find by clicking on detailed view of particular item.
To order the selected product:
Order Confirmation will be sent to Your e-mail as a feedback.
Proforma Invoice will be sent to Your registered e-mail.
Orders could be transmitted also by phones: +372 601 2880 (Baltic States); +358 46 9572906 (Finland); +44 7712 511 039 (UK) Mon – Fri 10.00 – 17.00
Pyrotechnical items: The shipment of dangerous goods, such as pyrotechnical items, are only sold to people over 18 years old and only shipped directly to the purchaser of the goods with a Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian delivery address.
Payment according to invoice to be done by bank transfer.
SEB PANK AS, Tornimäe 2, Tallinn 15010
IBAN: EE381010220196108220
Swedbank, Liivalaia 8, Tallinn 11431
IBAN EE86221022289879
When forwarding Bank Transfer please specify in settlement field also invoice number and consignee.
Also You can pay securely with Your credit card through Paypal account.
Read more about Paypal.
You can pick up ordered products by Yourself from our stock:
Pärnu Maantee160 H, Tallinn, Estonia, Mon - Fri 10.00 - 17.00
If You prefer delivery to appointed address by Courier, additional transport fees will be added to purchase price. Transport fee depends on weight, dimensions and distinctive character of product.
Prices for delivery and additional transport services are available HERE.
Transport tax is included and shown separately on the Invoice.
Ordered products will be dispatched from stock the latest during next working day after Your Bank Transfer come in to our account.
Ordered products will be delivered to Estonian residents by Courier to appointed address during 08.00 – 20.00 next working day.
Courier will contact You by phone and notify in advance, If he cannot reach You by phone and also in appointed address, You can pick up delivered product in the nearest Post Office.
Please find our General Terms and Conditions from HERE
Please find our Privacy Statement from HERE